Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tired of CNN

I've been seeing this Caylee Anthony case play out since mid July, perhaps earlier. The entire time, I've been wondering how much money television shows like Nancy Grace, Anderson Cooper 360, and Head Line News (HLN) have been making from this. Tonight the straw broke the camel's back. Upon watching HLN on CNN, I saw this Caylee Sunshine doll being criticized as an exploitation of the young girl's death; however, it is not the doll that I find most disheartening. It is, in fact, that the host of HLN was attempting to tell the creator it was a sad exploitation of Caylee Anthony's death.
Who is the media to point a finger at a company in the United States and tell the company that they are exploiting something, when it is the media themselves that should be condemned? I find it to be completely appalling that people would even entertain this idea. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. There is seriously something wrong with this. And the public mindlessly agrees with these major news corporations. For shame.


  1. I agree - the child's story has been exploited by the media. Unfortunately yet another case of saturating every medium with the same familiar sensationalist drivel.

  2. Please leave the Anthony's alone!!! They are grieving terribly over the death of their beautiful and loving granddaughter-Caylee. I do believe that the Media is responsible for the breakdown of George Anthony. There is only so much a person can take before they end up having a meltdown. This family has suffered so much and will continue to grieve for their granddaughter for a long time to come. They will have to face the possiblility of their daughter-Caycee going to death row. I only wish that Caycee would finally come forth and tell the truth. She could have saved her family a lot of grieve, not to mention Tim Miller from Texas EquaSearch the hours and the expense of searching for beautiful little Caylee. Caycee-may God have mercy on your soul. God will probably show you more mercy then you showed little Caylee.

  3. I agree! The media HAS to leave it alone. I am tired of all these fame and fortune coming at the expense of the deaths of others! The family has suffered enough. There is simply no need of it any longer!
    -James, Ontario

  4. Seems like this and other stories that try to tug on the heartstrings are there to distract us from issues that are more important.


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